Blinded by Diplomacy

Fattah Fathun Karim
4 min readJul 4, 2020


War Criminal Portrayal of Henry Kissinger.

GRE Prep “A”:

Abated are the actions of the charismatic leaders and policy makers, which resulted in loss of millions for nationalistic and personal profits. Every nation in the world engages in bloody wars, every political leaders get their hands dirty but the winners always get a free pass, and the losers end up in jail unless of course, they run away in abscondence. The ones who are spared are the ones harboring power in all sector of the government and the judiciary, and continue on with their legacy of human rights violation, aggregating pages after pages of blood-soaked woes of the innocents. How to alleviate the miseries of the unheard voices? No abeyance of justice and moving straight to trial? Seek justice from who? The ones who pull the strings from behind? You know nothing Jon Snow. The aesthetics of diplomacy and the aberrance from moral guidance in policy making are one of the greatest, devilish display of statesmanship. Its all a game. Those making the right moves wins. Adulteration of documents, distractions, murders, kidnap, genocide all are allowed till it falls under the best interest of the nation. Those making the right move at right time wins and the their criminal charges alleviated, destroyed and thrown into ambiguity. The austerity of the statesmen are stunning, when carrying on genocides, or when straight on denying them. The antipathy to justice and human life is not the way of diplomacy. Its a chess game and the winner gets to decide who is to consider human and who is not, what is justice and what is not. The media presentation is also confusing, hard to determine. The amalgamation of heroic and villainy representation, or just heroic, or just straight on demonic portrayals. Public opinion is shaped by media. So they try to shape media portrayal too, as they feel fit. Like Kissinger who was one of the celebrity media figures. But behind that celebrity persona, ran a sinister rodent inside the head of this vile diplomat.
In the name of amelioration of the people who are being either tortured by dictators or anachronistic communist rebels, Kissinger sanctioned wars on innocents. But the likes of Kissinger are very crafty, like an abstemious super model, they will keep their genocidal counts in check, not binging on them like Hitler or Stalin and the likes of them did. They will advocate for peace and show a state of anarchy in the state they are willing to attack, to reinstate peace of course. What happens instead of peace is a state of more anomaly, violence and famine. But its all justified of course, because they are fighting the greater evil and some level of apathy if therefore justified. As Kissinger told in one of his interviews, in statesmanship morality doesn’t work, you’ve got to choose between two evils. This artless acknowledgement is enough to understand the ascetic indifference they hold for the lives of the layman. Kissinger was very cynic in his deals, and calculative. He didn’t need approbations to devise his policies, because he was authorized to be the highest policy maker by the likes Nixons and Fords, due to his history as a great analyst and a nerdy persona. Nixon came in power with a pledge to assuage the wars in Vietnam, instead he amplified it once taking power, of course under the influence of one person, Kissinger. Genocides after genocides were sanctioned, rather being attenuated as was the pledge. And what was the reward? A NOBEL PRIZE of course.

Kissinger in his Nobel prize ceremony

it has been proven over and over again, that what better way to score a Nobel peace prize other than committing or consenting to mass genocides. Now this is a rhetoric here that i am using of course. But nonetheless genocidal maniacs getting Nobel peace prizes would always hold to be true. The autonomous government of Cambodia who were neither on south or north Vietnamese’s side were bombed and massacred through Kissinger’s orders to instigate fear and pressure on the region and make the US presence known. The way these killers and their bootlickers aver their Nobel motives in doing so is utterly sickening. This is where we need Bernie Sanders who can aver the truth about these mass murders in public debate, where the likes of hillary can just dodge. Hitchens was a hero, for he through his arduous and assiduous investigation busted Kissinger for who he was, a war criminal. When apprised with Hitchen’s investigation findings, of course Kissinger being the cunning diplomats, denies all allegation by appropriating one of Hitchens investigations on Mother Teresa. “ Anyone vilifying a saint like Mother Teresa cannot be taken seriously”, Kissinger says. The alacritous lionizing by the media of a crafty diplomat therefore needs a Hitchens checkpoint to filter out the hyperbole and bring out the truth to the public. And the only way the innocent dead souls can be appeased is to revoke the Nobel peace prize of these genocidal warlords and bring them to trial, just like the loser leaders who were tried for war crimes, and so should Kissinger, Haig, and allies. Please, read the fantastic book “ The trial of Henry Kissinger “ By Hitchens to realize the war crimes of Kissinger in full. Hitchens and the likes comes and goes, admonishing us of the evil of sacredizing warlords, yet we keep on praising them and of course keep on awarding them Nobel Prize for peace.



Fattah Fathun Karim
Fattah Fathun Karim

Written by Fattah Fathun Karim

Love to explore and learn interesting things. This blog is a way to organize my thoughts on certain topics and communicate them with my friends and peers.

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