IEEE Memebership Overview
IEEE membership is an annual subscription process. If you want to be a member of the largest technical institution of the whole world and want to integrate yourself into a community of researchers, academics and industrial professionals on the fields of engineering, this is the opportunity for you. By being an IEEE member you are going to get newsletters on monthly, biyearly basis and also a networking opportunity with the world’s technical experts and academics. Being an IEEE member you can find recognition everywhere you go, because being on local and international technical platforms you will find at least one IEEE member anywhere. Also, you will get to know the latest updates and technological breakthroughs happening throughout the world through IEEE newsletters, namely IEEE Spectrum, IEEE potentials, IEEE the Institute, which come along with a paid membership. All IEEE members can gain gain access to the abstract and ToC section of all papers deposited IEEE Xplore, which is one of the largest, well organized depository of journal and conference papers worldwide after google scholar. Also you will be notified about conferences, webinars, competitions and everything by IEEE official. You can attend local IEEE meetups arranged by IEEE Bangladesh Sections from time to time and get to connect with the local body of IEEE comprising of students, faculty members and industrial professionals formed with the universities, industries from all around Bangladesh. Using IEEE collabratec, you can be able to collaborate with experts from everywhere, from locals to overseas. IEEE members also get to have discounts on IEEE affiliated Publications ( Journal or Conference Paper ), Competitions and other Technical Conferences whether they are held by local universities or foreign. The student members can also have the opportunity to volunteer in their corresponding student branch in their IEEE events, for example, EICT, IEEE day etc. Also IEEE members get to access IEEE Job Sites to seek out their opportunity in their concerned field corresponding to their expertise. Though the practical usage for this is for the professional members, but students too can access those sites and get an overview of the technical market and demand.
This is your chance to have a digital footprint within this giant technical community of the world. So without any further hesitation, apply as soon as you can.
To learn about IEEE and its technical societies visit
To learn about IEEE Collabratec, visit
To learn about IEEE Xplore Digital Library, visit
To learn about IEEE Spectrum, visit
To learn about IEEE the institute, visit
To learn about IEEE job site,visit
To learn about IEEE access, visit
To learn about IEEE Students Site, visit
To learn about IEEE Resume Lab,
You can also get an official email domain from ieee, which is run under google’s services. For example if your name is Chao, you can get an email id named . Haiving a professional email might create better a better impression of you while communicating online, and also might increase the weight of your CV.
IEEE App is another media access which comes with highly rich technical content in itself. You can download it from playstore and enjoy all the technical articles and news before they get trendy on mainstream mdeia.